Programmatic Ansible Middle Ground



About a year ago serversforhackers posted a great article on how to run Ansible programamatically  Since then Ansible has had a major release which introduced changes within the Python API.

Simulating The CLI

Not that long ago Jason  DeTiberus and I were talking about how to use Ansible from within other Python packages. One of the things he said was that it should be possible to reuse the command line code instead of the internal API if you hook into the right place. I finally had some time to take a look and it seems he’s right!

If you took a look at the 2.0 API you’ll see there is a lot more power handed over to you as the developer but with that comes a lot of code. Code that for many will be nearly copy/paste style code directly from command-line interface code. So when there is not a need for the extra power why not just reuse code that already exists?

import os  # Used for expanding paths

from ansible.cli.playbook import PlaybookCLI
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError

def execute_playbook(playbook, hosts, args=[]):
    :param playbook: Full path to the playbook to execute.
    :type playbook: str
    :param hosts: A host or hosts to target the playbook against.
    :type hosts: str, list, or tuple
    :param args: Other arguments to pass to the run.
    :type args: list
    :returns: The TaskQueueHandler for the run.
    :rtype: ansible.executor.task_queue_manager.TaskQueueManager.
    # Set hosts args up right for the ansible parser. It likes to have trailing ,'s
    if isinstance(hosts, basestring):
        hosts = hosts + ','
    elif hasattr(hosts, '__iter__'):
        hosts = ','.join(hosts) + ','
        raise AnsibleParserError('Can not parse hosts of type {}'.format(

    # Create the cli object
    cli_args = ['playbook'] + args + ['-i', hosts, os.path.realpath(playbook)]
    print('Executing: {}'.format(' '.join(cli_args)))
    cli = PlaybookCLI(cli_args)
    # Parse args and run it
        # Return the result:
        # 0: Success
        # 1: "Error"
        # 2: Host failed
        # 3: Unreachable
        # 4: Parser Error
        # 5: Options error
    except (AnsibleParserError, AnsibleOptionsError) as error:
        print('{}: {}'.format(type(error), error))
        raise error


Breaking It Down

The function starts off with some hosts parsing. This is not really needed but it does make the function easier to work with. On the command line Ansible likes to have a comma at the end of hosts passed in. This chunk of code makes sure that if a list or string is given for a host that the resulting host string is properly formatted.

    # Set hosts args up right for the ansible parser. It likes to have trailing ,'s
    if isinstance(hosts, basestring):
        hosts = hosts + ','
    elif hasattr(hosts, '__iter__'):
        hosts = ','.join(hosts) + ','
        raise AnsibleParserError('Can not parse hosts of type {}'.format(type(hosts)))

The Real Code

This chunk of code is what is actually calling Ansible. It creates the command line argument list, creates a PlaybookCLI instance, has it parsed, and then executes the playbook.

    # Create the cli object
    cli_args = ['playbook'] + args + ['-i', hosts, os.path.realpath(playbook)]
    print('Executing: {}'.format(' '.join(cli_args)))
    cli = PlaybookCLI(cli_args)
    # Parse args and run it
        # Return the result:
        # 0: Success
        # 1: "Error"
        # 2: Host failed
        # 3: Unreachable
        # 4: Parser Error
        # 5: Options error
    except (AnsibleParserError, AnsibleOptionsError) as error:
        print('{}: {}'.format(type(error), error))
        raise error

Using The Function

# Execute /tmp/test.yaml with 2 hosts
result = execute_playbook('/tmp/test.yaml', ['', ''])

# Execute /tmp/test.yaml with 1 host and add the -v flag
result = execute_playbook('/tmp/test.yaml', '', ['-v'])

Intercepting The Output

One drawback of using the command-line interface code directly is that the output is expected to go to the user in the standard way. That is to say, it’s sent to the screen and colorized. This will probably be fine for some, but others may want to grab the output and use it in some form. While it is possible to change output through the configuration options it is also possible to monkey patch display and intercept the output for your own use cases. As an example, here is a Display class which forwards all output that is not meant for the screen only to our method.

# MONKEY PATCH to catch output. This must happen at the start of the code!
import logging

from ansible.utils.display import Display

# Set up our logging
logger = logging.getLogger('transport')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(message)s')

class LogForward(Display):
    Quick hack of a log forwarder

    def display(self, msg, screen_only=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Pass display data to the logger.
        :param msg: The message to log.
        :type msg: str
        :param args: All other non-keyword arguments.
        :type args: list
        :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments.
        :type kwargs: dict
        # Ignore if it is screen only output
        if screen_only:

    # Forward it all to display
    info = display
    warning = display
    error = display
    # Ignore debug
    debug = lambda s, *a, **k: True

# By simply setting display Ansible will slurp it in as the display instance
display = LogForward()
# END MONKEY PATCH. Add code after this line.

Putting It All Together

If you want to use it all together it should look like this:

# MONKEY PATCH to catch output. This must happen at the start of the code!
import logging

from ansible.utils.display import Display

# Set up our logging
logger = logging.getLogger('transport')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(message)s')

class LogForward(Display):
    Quick hack of a log forwarder

    def display(self, msg, screen_only=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Pass display data to the logger.
        :param msg: The message to log.
        :type msg: str
        :param args: All other non-keyword arguments.
        :type args: list
        :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments.
        :type kwargs: dict
        # Ignore if it is screen only output
        if screen_only:

    # Forward it all to display
    info = display
    warning = display
    error = display
    # Ignore debug
    debug = lambda s, *a, **k: True

# By simply setting display Ansible will slurp it in as the display instance
display = LogForward()
# END MONKEY PATCH. Add code after this line.

import os  # Used for expanding paths

from ansible.cli.playbook import PlaybookCLI
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError

def execute_playbook(playbook, hosts, args=[]):
    :param playbook: Full path to the playbook to execute.
    :type playbook: str
    :param hosts: A host or hosts to target the playbook against.
    :type hosts: str, list, or tuple
    :param args: Other arguments to pass to the run.
    :type args: list
    :returns: The TaskQueueHandler for the run.
    :rtype: ansible.executor.task_queue_manager.TaskQueueManager.
    # Set hosts args up right for the ansible parser. It likes to have trailing ,'s
    if isinstance(hosts, basestring):
        hosts = hosts + ','
    elif hasattr(hosts, '__iter__'):
        hosts = ','.join(hosts) + ','
        raise AnsibleParserError('Can not parse hosts of type {}'.format(

    # Create the cli object
    cli_args = ['playbook'] + args + ['-i', hosts, os.path.realpath(playbook)]'Executing: {}'.format(' '.join(cli_args)))
    cli = PlaybookCLI(cli_args)
    # Parse args and run it
        # Return the result:
        # 0: Success
        # 1: "Error"
        # 2: Host failed
        # 3: Unreachable
        # 4: Parser Error
        # 5: Options error
    except (AnsibleParserError, AnsibleOptionsError) as error:
        logger.error('{}: {}'.format(type(error), error))
        raise error


Pros and Cons

Of course nothing is without drawbacks. Here are some negatives with this method:

  • No direct access to “TaskQueueManager“
  • If the CLI changes the code must change
  • Monkey patching …. ewww

But the positives seem to be worth it so far:

  • You don’t have to deal with “TaskQueueManager“ and all of the construction code
  • The CLI doesn’t seem to change often
  • The same commands one would run on the CLI can easily be extrapolated and even run manually

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